The Goonie Crew

A gruesome crew of 9,081 Goonies fighting a bloody battle in the Gutterlands metaverse!

Join the Bloody Battle

A Play to Earn deckbuilding adventure on the Ethereum blockchain, created by the illustrator behind the massively successful mobile game Swamp Attack!

How it works ?


Recruit your very own Goonie with its own special traits and equip it with a deck full of Attack, Defense, Monster and Booster cards.


Raid challenging crypts and defeat their defenders to collect loot, using it to upgrade your Goonies and improve the quality of your deck.


Conquer your enemies to become a fierce warrior and earn $GOONIE tokens together with other spectacular rewards along the way.


Join the abhorrent and atrocious wizard Asmodan as his right hand Goonie and help him take over the world!

Staking available after mint

Send your Goonies to the Staking Dungeon and start earning the $GOONIE token!

The Tale of The Goonie Crew

After the armies of men defeated the abhorrent and atrocious wizard Asmodan, locking up his Chieftains in crypts all across the land, the plan for his revenge is now finally in place.

Asmodan has amassed the Goonie Crew, 9,081 of his best and most gruesome creations sure to lead him to world domination.

Read the Entire Lore

9,081 uniquely generated Goonies

the BLOODY crew

These are just some of the fierce Goonies fighting for Asmodan’s favor. Each has its own special traits as well as armor and damage points and each has its own story to tell! Which one will you choose?









From the moment they were created, each member of the Goonie Crew had only one goal in mind – WORLD DOMINATION! But they can only achieve this goal with your help!

That is why our community is at the heart of The Goonie Crew project. We want to reward Goonie holders with a fun Play to Earn gaming experience that will bring them true value.

This includes sending your Goonies to the Staking Dungeon immediately after mint to passively earn our $GOONIE token as well as additional giveaways, airdrops and spectacular in-game rewards.

Check out the Goonies’ plan for world domination in their roadmap and whitepaper!



/ Q1 2022
  • Develop The Goonie Crew website, Roadmap V1.0 and Whitepaper V1.0.
  • Build the strongest Goonie community ever!
  • Run Goonie marketing campaigns across various platforms.
  • Host Goonie NFT giveaways (dedicated and collaborative), run Goonie events on Twitter and Discord, and play fun Goonie games with community members.
  • Build the Staking Dungeon where Goonies will labor day and night to earn $GOONIE tokens for their owners.


Mint & Staking

/ Q1 & Q2 2022
  • Launch the mint of 9,081 unique Goonie NFTs.
  • Open Goonie staking and allow owners to start passively earning the $GOONIE token.
  • Begin the development of the Roadmap V2.0 and Whitepaper V2.0, showcasing the card gameplay system, incorporating community suggestions and additionally explaining $GOONIE tokenomics.


Game Development

/ Q2 & Q3 2022
  • Continue developing the Goonie Crew lore and storyline.
  • Begin the development of the Alpha version of The Goonie Crew game.
  • Release the Goonie Roadmap V2.0 and Whitepaper V2.0.


Begin the Bloody Battle

/ Q3 & Q4 2022
  • First airdrop for Goonie NFT holders (items and weapons).
  • First exclusive game card drop (only available for purchase with $GOONIE).
  • Launch pre-Alpha version of the game with crypt raiding and battle mode.
  • Open the in-game shop and allow players to spend $GOONIE.


First playing season and The Goonie DAO

/ Q1 & Q2 2023
  • Second airdrop to Goonie NFT holders (surprise airdrop).
  • Launch the Alpha version and the first playing season of The Goonie Crew game where our community can start battling against each other and fight to earn rewards.
  • Launch the Beta version of the game and start the second playing season.
  • Launch The Goonie DAO.


The Knights NFTs

/ 2023
  • Third airdrop to Goonie NFT holders (items and weapons).
  • Launch the full version of the game and start the second playing season.
  • Launch the mint of the second generation of The Goonie Crew NFTs.